
1. Introduction

Context Protocol is a Web3 Semantic Layer that redefines the way we interact with and manage data in the decentralized digital landscape. At its core, Context Protocol bridges the gap between decentralized storage solutions and semantic understanding, providing a framework where data is not just stored, but also intelligently understood and utilized. By facilitating a decentralized and semantic approach to data storage and management on the blockchain, it enables users to operate data on-chain Documents while imparting semantic meaning to the stored information. Context is laying the foundation for enhanced data interoperability by providing the necessary framework for data to be fully comprehended and utilized.

Data management faces several challenges that Context is prepared to mitigate. First is the critical need for a decentralized open knowledge database accessible to all, with enhanced data security and privacy measures. In addition, there is a compelling need for a global open source repository for data templates or standards that rationalize data in a cohesive manner, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of data storage and interaction.

In addition, the current landscape lacks a cohesive data architecture, which complicates interactions between developers and users due to the disjointed approach to data interaction. This inconsistency is a barrier to the effective utilization of data assets. In addition, unclear and inconsistent relationships between data and its structure make it difficult to decipher the context and essence of the data.

In response to this, Context stands as a pivot in the data management industry, focused on delivering solutions ensuring that data is alive, accessible and understandable to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Context is both an innovative technology and a platform that leverages a decentralized infrastructure with a commitment to fostering a universally accessible, easily understandable and efficiently operational data environment.


Our mission is to redefine data management in the decentralized space. Our goal is to empower developers and users with a platform that not only stores data, but also adds a layer of semantic intelligence to it. In doing so, we strive to improve the quality, accessibility and usability of data in decentralized applications, fostering innovation and growth in the blockchain ecosystem.


Context Protocol envisions a decentralized digital world where data is not just a static entity, but an easily accessible, interpretable and actionable dynamic resource. Our vision is to become the leading platform for semantic data aggregation, setting new standards for data integrity, interoperability and usability across diverse networks and blockchain applications.


Context Protocol is positioned as a pioneer in the field of on-chain semantic data aggregation, uniquely combining the security and reliability of blockchain technology with advanced semantic data understanding. We are positioned to meet the growing needs of developers and organizations seeking efficient, secure and intelligent data management solutions, thus becoming an indispensable tool in the toolbox of modern decentralized applications and platforms.

2. Context Design

2.1 Tech Stack

Context technology stack is based on several fundamental components to efficiently manage and interact with the platform. Each component has been carefully designed to ensure smooth interaction and a high standard of functionality. These core components include:

Smart Contracts: As the foundation of the Context platform, smart contracts oversee the registration, templates and operations of Context documents. Developed in Solidity, these open source contracts accept reviews and contributions from the community, encouraging collaborative development and continuous improvement.

Command Line Interface (CLI): The CLI provides an easy-to-use terminal interface that facilitates interaction with the platform. It contains commands to manage essential functions such as managing Context documents, adjusting templates and navigating the registry, making it easy to use even from a terminal.

Software Development Kit (SDK): The SDK is a library of code that allows developers to interact with the platform from their own code. It provides a simple and consistent interface for interacting with the platform.

API: This gateway allows external applications to seamlessly extract information about Context documents and templates from the registry. Designed for fast and efficient data retrieval, it maintains a unified interface for inbound and outbound data.

All these components work together to make Context Context is a technology platform built on a decentralized infrastructure for creating templates, and managing data, making it easy for developers to build applications and services on top of it.

2.2 Architecture

2.2.1. Templates

One of the main benefits of Context is that we provide developers with a clear and consistent way to associate data with its structure. By using a GraphQL-style approach, templates are easy to understand and work with, making it simple for developers to interact with and manage data in Context.

type Organization {
  name: String!
  url: String

2.2.2. Context Documents

Context documents are smart contracts that hold information and data in a structured format that follows a specific template. These templates provide a standardized way for data to be organized and understood. The benefits of using Context documents include:

  1. Data is organized in a consistent and predictable way, making it easier to work with and access.

  2. Context documents are decentralized and can be owned by anyone, which ensures that data is not controlled by any single entity.

  3. Context documents can be easily edited and updated by their owners, which allows for the data they hold to stay up-to-date and relevant.

  4. Context documents can be easily referenced by their Universal Registry name, making it easy for others to discover and interact with the data they contain.

  5. Context documents can be connected to other Context documents, which allows for the creation of complex data structures and relationships.

  6. Context documents can be deployed to the blockchain, which provides an immutable record of all data transactions, ensuring data integrity and security.

  7. Context documents can be integrated with different apps, dApps and protocols, which allows for data to be used in many different contexts and use cases.

Each time the data in a Context documents is updated, a new version of the Context documents is created, allowing for traceability of the data's evolution over time.

This versioning system is unique to Context documents and different from traditional versioning systems like those used in Github for code. It does not use major, minor, and patch versioning and does not have branches, instead, it focuses on data traceability

The ability to extend Context documents allows for greater flexibility and versatility in the way data is organized and represented. By allowing Context documents to incorporate fields from additional templates, users are able to create more complex and detailed representations of the data they are working with. This feature, known as composability, allows for the creation of custom data structures that can be tailored to specific use cases.

Overall, the ability to extend Context documents provides developers with a powerful tool for organizing and representing data in a way that is both flexible and easy to understand.

2.2.3. Registry

The Registry is a decentralized and open-source smart contract that acts as the backbone of the Context ecosystem. It serves as a global, decentralized name service for data that is stored within the Context network. The Registry allows users to associate a unique name to a Context documents, which can then be easily referenced and queried by other users within the ecosystem.

Universal Name Service

A Universal Name Service is a decentralized naming system that allows users to assign unique and human-readable names to any resource, whether it be a person, project, product, or any other type of item. Unlike traditional naming systems, such as DNS, which are limited to a specific set of resources, like IP addresses, a Universal Name Service can be used to assign names to any type of resource, providing a more versatile and flexible naming system. The benefits of a Universal Name Service include the ability to easily and consistently reference resources, improved data interoperability, and increased human-readability of data. The ability to extend Context documents also enables the composability of data, making it easier to build and maintain complex data structures.

Benefits of the Universal Name Service include:

  • Decentralization: The Registry is not controlled by any single entity, ensuring that data is accessible to everyone and that there is no central point of failure.

  • Ease of use: The Registry provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to name and reference Context documents, making it easy for developers to work with and query the data stored within the network.

  • Interoperability: The Registry allows for different applications and systems to easily reference and query data stored within the Context network, promoting interoperability between different systems.

  • Security: The use of a decentralized name service provides an additional layer of security, as there is no single point of attack or failure.

  • Traceability: The Registry allows for the traceability of data, as all versions of a Context documents can be easily accessed and queried.

  • Incentivized participation: The Registry incentivizes participation in the network through the use of the Context token and a portion of the fees paid for naming and referencing Context documents is directed to the working group responsible for curating the namespace.


The Registry allows anyone with a name, such as an organization or project, to add subnames. This allows for a flexible way of organizing information, making it easy to navigate and find the data needed. Additionally, the Registry ensures that all the names and templates are unique and can't be duplicated, which ensures the integrity of the data stored in Context.

3. How Context works

3.1. Coordination

The process of creating and evolving a standard in Context begins with the editor, who is responsible for defining the initial structure and format of the template. Contributors can then add proposals for new fields or modifications to the template, which the editor can review and accept or reject.

Once the template has been established, editors can invite new contributors to join the working group and contribute to the template's development. Additionally, curators are also added to the working group to ensure the quality of the names being used. They are responsible for curating the names that are using the template and can add new names under the core/organization template, for example.

As the template evolves, contributors are incentivized to create and maintain better standards through a small fee paid in our token. A portion of this payment goes to the treasury of the working group, providing an additional incentive for collaboration and improvement.

3.2. Templates

The Templates serve as the foundation and are designed to provide a common language for data to be understood and used in any application.

The templates, which are used to represent individuals, organizations, and projects, respectively. These templates are designed to be simple and flexible, allowing them to be easily extended and customized to suit their specific needs.


  • human

  • organization

  • project

  • address

  • place

  • social

  • team

  • document

At the first stage of the project, only one template can be assigned a name, and these names will be curated by the curators of Context or partner to ensure the quality of the data being represented. This allows for a consistent and well-structured foundation for all data in the platform, and ensures that all data has context and can be easily understood and used in any application. The Contributors act as a gatekeeper to ensure the quality of the data being represented in the platform.

4. Why use Context

Context is a powerful tool for managing data in a decentralized and interoperable way. It provides a range of benefits for projects and applications, including:

4.1. Portability

Context enables data portability by providing a common language for data that can be easily understood and used across different applications and systems. This means that data can be moved between different platforms and applications without the need for costly and time-consuming data conversion processes. With Context, data can be easily shared, reused, and integrated, allowing for more efficient and effective data management.

4.2. Interoperability

Context makes data interoperable by providing a standardized data structure that can be used across different applications and systems. This means that data can be easily exchanged and integrated between different platforms and applications, making it possible to create more complex and powerful applications that draw on data from multiple sources. By promoting interoperability, Context enables greater collaboration between different projects and applications, leading to more innovation and better outcomes.

4.3. Security

Context provides a secure environment for managing data by leveraging decentralized technologies and cryptographic protocols. This means that data is protected from unauthorized access, manipulation, and theft, ensuring the privacy and security of sensitive information. With Context, projects can build trust and confidence among their users and stakeholders, leading to greater adoption and success.

4.4. Public Good

Context is a public good that promotes openness, transparency, and innovation. By providing a decentralized and interoperable platform for managing data, Context enables greater collaboration and knowledge sharing across different communities and stakeholders. This leads to more equitable and sustainable outcomes, promoting the public good and benefiting society as a whole. With Context, projects can contribute to a better future for everyone.

5. Tokenomics - $TEX

Our token is called $TEX and lives on Polygon.

In Context, we are using a progressive funding model that is organized around "epochs." Each epoch is a distinct phase of the project, with its own set of goals and milestones. During each epoch, we will mint and distribute tokens to the community based on the specific tokenomics and distribution settings of that particular epoch. The main goal of each epoch is to increase the number of Context documentsregistered in the registry, making it a more comprehensive and useful resource for the community.

One of the key features of Context is that it is an open-source collective initiative to coordinate standards as Public Goods. That's why we decided to finance the whole project in a progressive and evolutive way. We will do token sales every time we achieve the goals we commit to, and new tokens will be minted and distributed. The company will get funded as long as it's useful to society.

5.1. Governance

The funding model for Context is based on progressive funding and epochs. Instead of pre-minting a fixed amount of tokens, the project will work towards predefined goals, and new tokens will be minted and distributed when those goals are achieved. The token will be needed to register data and when a new Context documents enters the Registry, the cost will be shared between the DAO and the contributors to the Template that data is linked to.

The company will be funded as long as it is useful to society. Epochs will be the way in which tokens are minted and distributed to the community. Every epoch will have its own milestones, tokenomics, and incentives. At the end of each epoch, the participants of the Context DAO, those with a governance NFT for that particular epoch, will vote on the rules, conditions and tokenomics for the next epoch.

Governance NFT holders will decide when to move to the next epoch, and vested tokens will be minted only when the project moves to a new epoch. There is a strong incentive to move forward and reach an agreement for the betterment of the project.

Paramaters to be decided every epoch;

  • Amount of new $TEX to mine

  • Token allocation: Distribution of the new Tokens.

  • Price of the $TEX to be bought from the DAO.

  • Staking model: Incentives for token Holders

  • Business Model: How do we make money as a DAO.

  • Advisors: team of advisors for the epoch.

This funding model gives flexibility and allows for adjustments to the economic model as the project evolves.

The project will be financed in an evolving way, with token sales happening every time goals are achieved. Epochs will be the way tokens are minted and distributed to the community, and the tokenomics, incentives, and milestones will change with each epoch.

5.2. Token Utility

The $TEX token is used as a means of payment for interactions with the registry. When a user interacts with the registry, they will be required to pay a small fee in $TEX. This fee will be split between the protocol, the template that the interaction refers to, and potentially a frontend that originated the interaction.

The split ensures that the protocol is supported, and that the schemas and frontends that are used are also rewarded for their contributions. This creates an incentive for the development and maintenance of high-quality schemas and frontends, as well as supporting the overall growth and development of the Context ecosystem.

Token will be activated on Epoch 2.

6. Get in Touch

Send us an email. We are looking for:

  • Business Angels and VCs interested in Open Source and Public Goods.

  • Strategic Partners with specific use cases.

  • Crazy People willing to Join us.

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